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Facebook Marketing Strategy for Brand New Businesses

Want To Create Your Own Facebook Marketing Strategy?

A lot of the topics we cover on this blog are specifically for small businesses that are running their own ads or want to start advertising an existing business. 

But what about folks who have a brand new business?

You’re in luck, because today’s post is all about how we help brand new businesses prepare their Facebook marketing strategy.

This is a must-read! 

We fell in love with marketing through traditional advertising; expensive spots during sporting events, movie trailers, billboards, magazines.

All the stuff you think of. 

But we became passionate about marketing once we discovered how powerful digital marketing was for small businesses…

…who had traditionally been kept out of the marketing game.

And the results for small businesses are results for families and communities. 

One of our favorite things about working with brand new businesses is being able to help them reach those big milestones and to see the growth.

That can be challenging, especially if you have to DIY or don’t have a budget for hiring help. 

So now, let’s get into the specifics. 

Why Start Advertising A New Business On Facebook? 

Of all the options out there, why should you start with a Facebook marketing strategy? Why advertise your new business on Facebook?

There are a number of reasons: 

  • There are billions of people on Facebook.
  • When you advertise on Facebook, you can advertise on Instagram too.
  • Facebook ad costs are typically lower than other platforms.
  • You don’t need special tools to set up ads.

So, are Facebook ads worth it? Find out the answer by reading this post next. 

Facebook Marketing Strategy: Setting Up Business Manager & Ad Account

Before you can set up your first ads and start with your Facebook marketing strategy, you need to create a Facebook Business Manager account.

Facebook Business Manager

This is so you can easily connect and share ad accounts, catalogs, pages, IG accounts, and more.  

To create a Business Manager account:

facebook marketing strategy

  1. Go to business.facebook.com/overview.
  2. Click Create Account.
  3. Enter a name for your business, your name, and your work email address, and click Next.
  4. Enter your business details and click Submit.

Once this is complete, you’ll be able to add assets to your Business Manager. Let us show you how to do that. 

Steps to add an ad account in Business Manager:

facebook marketing strategy

  1. Go to Business Settings.
  2. Click Accounts from the left side menu. Then, click Ad Accounts.
  3. Click the blue Add dropdown menu.
  4. Choose one of the 3 options: Add an Ad Account, Request Access to an Ad Account or Create a new ad account.
  5. If you choose to request access or add an ad account, enter the ad account ID.
  6. Follow the prompts to select people and access levels.

You can follow similar settings for adding:

  • partners (great if you’re working with an agency),
  • people (great for employees or freelancers),
  • Instagram accounts, and
  • Catalogs. 

facebook product catalog

There’s one more step we suggest you take when getting things set up; create a business asset group.

A business asset group is just a collection of everything in your Business Manager for one business.

This is especially helpful if you have multiple businesses or brands, to keep everything organized. 

It also makes it easy to share assets with a partner (like if you hire a Facebook marketing company – like Lyfe!) Let’s go through that process.

To create a business asset group:

facebook marketing strategy

  1. Open Business Settings.
  2. Below Accounts, click Business Asset Groups.
  3. Click + Add.
  4. Decide how you’d like to organize your assets. For example, you can group them by brand, line, region, agency, or something else.
  5. Enter a Business Asset Group Name and click Next.
  6. Select the assets you’d like to include and click Next.
  7. (Optional) Select the people who need to work on those assets and assign permissions for each asset type.
  8. Use the toggles to set permissions for assets in the business asset group.
    • If you have selected individual people in step 7, note that these permissions will apply to their access as well.
  1. Click Create.

Confirmation that you’ve created your business asset group will appear on your screen.

Now that you’ve got that set up, let’s look at what ads to start with for your Facebook marketing strategy. 

What Ads To Start With For Your Facebook Marketing Strategy

When you start advertising on Facebook, you need to plan the ads you’ll run.

This is because sequence matters when you’re collecting data, which is how you should think about your ads. 

Don’t think about them for how many sales they’ll get you or how much it will grow your business.

You need to look at your Facebook ad campaign (at least – and especially – at the beginning) as an opportunity to learn more about your audience.

As well as finding out the things they like, and the things they don’t like. 

Each ad you run, even if it doesn’t reach your goal, is teaching you something that can help you improve your next ads.

Generally, this is a good starting ad sequence for a small business.

This can and will vary depending on your industry, product, and goal. But, generalities are what we’ll stick with. 

A marketing funnel on Facebook looks something like this: 

  1. Brand Awareness (use targeting, interests, Lookalike audiences, locations)
  2. Target low-value actions that show interest (like a page view, video view, account engagement)
  3. Target mid-range actions that show interest and intent (like product view, and Lookalikes from low-value actions)
  4. Retargeting to recover abandoned carts
  5. Upselling and cross-selling customers who made a purchase

So what would this look like with a client? Let us walk you through it.

Our Process In Creating Facebook Marketing Strategy For Brand New Clients

  1. Determine their first goal. Usually, that is to establish a steady stream of traffic to the website, landing page, app, etc.) 
  2. When we have 1,000 clicks through our traffic campaign, we like to create a retargeting campaign.

This can be dynamic to showcase the products the user was viewing or static, which means it’s the same ad for everyone.

facebook ad campaign

We’ll also start building custom audiences based on actions taken on-site, so we can use these as sources for our Lookalike audiences.

(A word of caution on Lookalike audiences in the days of iOS15, they may not be as effective as they have in the past because of tracking.)

We’d recommend an A/B test here, using audiences as your variable, and see if Lookalike audiences will work for you.

Check out this post next to learn more about Facebook ad testing.

  1. Once we find a traffic campaign and a retargeting campaign that are generating the results we want…

…we build Lookalike audiences, and then start running brand awareness and conversion campaigns to that group. 

Other Things You Should Do For Your Facebook Marketing Strategy

Facebook ads are a great place to start, but you don’t want to leave all of your advertising to that platform.

Different aspects of your marketing will start working more quickly than others. We call these long-term and short-term strategies. 

Social ads are a short-term strategy. Typically, you can start to see results in as little as three months (sometimes sooner).

Posting on business social media accounts is a long-term strategy.

Depending on how much money you have to spend, organic marketing can take 6 months to a year. 

Ideally, you’re working on more than one strategy.

For new businesses, we consider the following to be essential:

  1. Social Ads (Depending on budget, you may only advertise on one network to start.)
  2. Organic Social Posts (Post regularly and focus on engaging content. Spending money to boost posts and get paid likes can help speed up the process.)
  3. Email Marketing (Send those organic and paid clicks to your email list.)
  4. Search Ads (Think of those ads you’d run on Google or Bing or Pinterest.)

what is digital marketing

Did you know that LYFE offers digital marketing services? Give us a call to talk about your needs. 


We hope this post helped you get a good idea of where to start when you advertise a new business on Facebook.

It can be confusing to know what to do, but you learn as you go and you’ll get better over time. 

The post Facebook Marketing Strategy for Brand New Businesses appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.

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