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How to Earn Money on YouTube: Start Making Money Today!

So You Want To Learn How To Earn Money On YouTube?

We’ve made about $30,000 from our YouTube channel since we started monetizing in 2021.

how to earn money on youtube

And if we filter to view the last 28 days, you can see we’re growing and making more money than the month before, month over month.

how to earn money on youtube

So in this post, we’re going to show you exactly how we did it – how to earn money on YouTube.

As well as what steps you can take with your channel as a small business owner to start making money on YouTube like us. 

We’re going to cover 7 things you need to do to start making money from YouTube.

Let’s get started!

7 Steps On How To Earn Money On YouTube

Step 1: Create a YouTube channel
Step 2: Plan content your target market cares about
Step 3: Perform keyword research
Step 4: Get all of your equipment
Step 5: Meet YouTube’s requirements to become a Partner
Step 6: Get your video sponsored by another brand (Optional)
Step 7: Utilize all of the YouTube Partnership tools

Step 1: Create a YouTube channel

The first step on how to earn money on YouTube is probably obvious…

…but you have to create a YouTube channel first in order to make money from YouTube. 

So if you need to learn how to do that, here’s our tutorial post on how to create a YouTube channel that you can read next. 

Step 2: Plan content your target market cares about

Whether you’re monetizing your views or getting paid sponsorships (which we’ll talk more about in a little bit)…

…either way, you have to have an audience in order to make money from your videos. 

Specifically, you need at least 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers to start earning money from YouTube.

So we have a whole post on how to get more views that you can read after…

…but a big, important part of acquiring subscribers and views is to make content your audience actually wants to see. 

It sounds obvious, but a lot of companies get caught up making videos they want to make.

Or that “sound good” without putting in the research to make sure your audience actually wants to see that content. 

So, before you pick up a camera or anything…

…you need to decide what your channel is going to be about and what kind of topics you’re going to create content around.

Step 3: Perform keyword research

Now, we have a whole post on YouTube keyword research, so we’re going to keep it short in this post.

But basically, there are tools out there that show you exactly what people are searching on YouTube and how often. 

In order to get found on YouTube, your video needs to appear in the top search results when your target market enters a search query.

how to upload a youtube video

You do this by creating video content around that search term.

But you won’t know what search terms to optimize for if you never do any keyword research.  

So if you want to earn money on YouTube, you definitely need to include this step in your process when you’re brainstorming topic ideas. 

Step 4: Get all of your equipment

Now if you want to know how to earn money on YouTube, you first need to invest in some equipment.

And depending on the types of videos you plan to create, you might need additional equipment for specific things.

But in general, you’ll need a camera, a mic, good lighting, and a way to edit your videos.

Now there are so many options to choose from when it comes to picking cameras and mics.

A lot of people actually make videos with their iPhones these days. 

The equipment you need will depend on the nature of your business to an extent and the type of videos you want to make.

For example, while we do recommend showing your face on camera for maximum brand trust, brand recall, views. and subscribers…

…maybe your channel is starting off with animation or explainer videos, in which case you wouldn’t need a camera right away.

The nature of your brand will also dictate the tone of your videos, which also plays a role in your equipment needs.

For instance, do you need a more professional setup? With a green screen and teleprompter? 

Or are your videos going to be more casual where you just sit at your desk and talk off script?

So for this step, we would just do a little research within your specific niche to see what your rival channels are using.

Now step 5 is when we start getting into the specific steps on how to earn money on YouTube…

…but first, just a quick reminder to check out our new social media ads training course.

We have lots of tips and tricks there on how you can be a master in social media advertising, so be sure to see it.

Step 5: Meet YouTube’s requirements to become a Partner

These are the minimal requirements to join:

  • You must follow all the YouTube channel monetization policies.
  • You must live in a country/region where the YouTube Partner Program is available.
  • You must have no active Community Guidelines strikes on your channel.
  • You must have more than 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months.
  • You must have more than 1,000 subscribers, and you must have a linked AdSense account.
  • And you also have to be at least 18 years old, or have a legal guardian older than 18 years of age who can handle your payments via AdSense.

Now the only one of those requirements that might not be as straightforward is the AdSense account.

So if you go to this YouTube Partner Program page and scroll down to the YouTube Partner Program application checklist…

…it will give you step-by-step instructions on how to set that up. 

From there, head to your YouTube Studio by going to youtube.com, clicking your profile icon, and then in the left menu, click Monetization.

how to earn money on youtube

“If you’re under the threshold, click Notify me when I’m eligible to get an email.

You’ll receive an email when you’ve reached 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours over the past 12 months.

If you meet the threshold, click Start on the “Review Partner Program terms” card. 

Once you’ve signed the term, they will mark this step with a green “Done” sign on the “Review Partner Program terms” card.”

So those are the technical requirements you have to meet to start monetizing your videos…

…which means you’re allowing YouTube to place ads on your videos. 

Step 6: Get your video sponsored by another brand (Optional)

Now we know the majority of people reading our blog are small business owners and marketers, so this might not apply to all of you reading.

But getting your video sponsored is a separate method of getting paid for your videos.

It’s where you are paid by a brand to mention or promote their product or service in your video.

Influencers get paid for their YouTube videos a lot this way.

So depending on the nature of your business, this route may not make sense for you…

…but if it does, it’s an extra source of revenue from your videos. 

You get paid by YouTube for uploading it and then paid by the brand because they’re sponsoring it.

Step 7: Utilize all of the YouTube Partnership tools

Getting ad revenue as we’ve talked about is usually the main source of income.

But, there are other money-making tools you have access to once you’re accepted as a YouTube partner.

how to earn money on youtube

With Channel Memberships, “your members make recurring monthly payments in exchange for special perks that you offer.”

With Merch Shelf, “your fans can browse and buy official branded merchandise that’s showcased on your watch pages.”

With Super Chat & Super Stickers, “your fans pay to get their messages highlighted in chat streams.”

And with YouTube Premium Revenue, “you get part of a YouTube Premium subscriber’s subscription fee when they watch your content.”

And again these additional perks are only available if you’re a YouTube partner but some of them have extra requirements. 

Merch Shelf is only available if you have at least 10,000 subscribers and the Super Chat & Super Stickers features are only available in certain countries.

So those are our 7 steps on how to earn money on YouTube. 

Now, if marketing your YouTube videos is what you need help with, get our YouTube promotion services today!

The post How to Earn Money on YouTube: Start Making Money Today! appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.

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