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How to Increase Sales in 6 Easy Steps

Do You Want To Know How To Increase Sales?

If you clicked on this post, you’re either not seeing the sales you want to see or you’ve been stagnant for a while…

…and you’re ready to scale your business with an increase in sales again.

Either way, read till the end because we’re sharing 6 easy steps on how to increase sales.

Let’s get started!

6 Steps On How To Increase Sales For Your Business

Step 1: Analyze your sales process
Step 2: Have case studies available
Step 3: Ask for referrals
Step 4: Invest in what’s working
Step 5: Audit the functionality of your website
Step 6: Give your clients a good, better, and best plan

Step 1: Analyze your sales process

If you don’t currently have a sales process, that’s your first problem. 

Sales is not something that you should approach blindly, just hoping what you’re doing works out. 

There’s a science to it with a step-by-step process.

And if you’re not following those steps, you’re missing a step, or not performing a step correctly, then you need to address that first. 

Now, if you Google “sales process”, you’ll find varying lengths like a 3 step process, 7 step process, 4 step process, etc.

how to increase sales

They’re all essentially the same, some of them just combine multiple steps into one and so on.

Let’s look at this 7-step process as an example:

  1. Prospecting – finding your clientele
  2. Preparation – researching your leads before speaking with them
  3. Approach – contacting them, getting the call scheduled
  4. Presentation – your sales pitch
  5. Handling objections – overcoming reasons the lead would say no
  6. Closing – asking for the sale
  7. Follow-up – getting the sale and/or maintaining the relationship

Now you can add steps to that or combine some of them into 1 depending on how you go about your sales process. 

For instance, some people put preparation in the same step as approach. 

It doesn’t really matter how you word it, but the main key is, you don’t want to subtract steps from this outline.

So, when it comes to analyzing your sales process, you want to:

  1. make sure you have a sales process like this in place, and
  2. identify where you’re losing leads. 

Are you not finding qualified prospects? Are you failing to overcome objections in your presentation?

Are you not following up with them enough? 

Find out where the hole is in your sales process and patch it up.

Because if you’re following all of these steps correctly and with effort, then you should absolutely be closing leads. 

Now let’s move on to our second tip on how to increase sales.

Step 2: Have case studies available

If you’re B2B, you might already have some case studies, and we’re about to share some tips on how to better them in a second.

Or if you’re B2C, case studies might not be something you’ve considered, and they will look a little different for you, but you should still have them. 

The basic purpose of a case study is to show your potential customers…

…how you’ve achieved the results they’re looking for with other customers just like them. 

content marketing types

So for a B2C company, this could look like having your best reviews present on your website or product pages.

A lot of retail stores do a great job of this by having reviews for each product, on that product page with customer photos available to look through.

For B2B companies, case studies are usually a little more extensive, showing how you took a client from point a to point b with your services.

A couple of tips for these kinds of case studies include updating them every few months.

That’s because leads will notice if you’re showing them results from 3 years ago.

As well as making sure you have case studies for every industry or type of client you work with. 

Looking at LYFE Marketing as an example, as a digital marketing agency, we help small businesses from all kinds of industries.

And it’s natural for a restaurant owner to want to see results from other restaurants that we’ve helped. 

how to increase sales

Even if we achieved great results for a doctor’s practice, that probably wouldn’t carry as much weight to a restaurant owner. 

how to increase sales

So try to make sure you have enough case studies available to resonate with any potential lead you get.

And then our last case study tip here that applies to either B2B or B2C companies…

…is to focus more on the satisfaction of the client and the things you accomplished more than the steps you took to get them there.

Focusing more on the results than what you did to achieve those results helps keep the case study customer-centric.

Check out this post next to learn more about how to write digital marketing case studies for your business.

Step 3: Ask for referrals

If you’re not already doing this, then we can tell you you’re missing out on a lot of potential leads.

A great goal you can set for yourself here is to ask for 1-2 referrals a day during your work week because over time that adds up. 

If there are 261 working days in a year, then that’s 261-522 referrals you’re asking for a year OR missing out on a year, if you’re not. 

When looking back at the sales process we talked about earlier…

…some people make “asking for referrals” its own step outside of maintaining customer relationships because it’s that important. 

career in advertising

Every person you talk to has their own network of people they talk to such as:

  • friends,
  • family,
  • coworkers,
  • acquaintances,
  • people from church,
  • parents of their kids’ friends,

…and so on.

If you ask everyone you know for referrals, you’re bound to find more people who were not originally in your network that need what you provide.

But for this post, just know that if you’re not asking for referrals, you are not maximizing the value of your existing leads. 

Step 4: Invest in what’s working

If you’ve already been running a social media campaign or Google ads for a while, or you’ve been posting YouTube videos, or sending out emails…

…you need to perform an audit to see what’s been working for you.

If there’s a glaring difference between how many conversions are coming from YouTube…

…vs how many are coming from Twitter, invest into the platform that’s generating the results!

Scale back on the platform that isn’t, and reallocate the money and time spent there to the one that is.

We have a post on Google Analytics metrics that will be a good read for you as well…

…if you don’t know how to measure where your website traffic and conversions are coming from overall.

Google Analytics

But we would suggest performing an audit every 6 months to a year.

That is to keep a pulse on which of your marketing efforts are currently driving sales so that you can scale those efforts.

Here’s our tutorial on how to conduct a social media audit for your business.

Step 5: Audit the functionality of your website

Is your checkout process working smoothly? Or is that why you’re losing out on sales?

Is your contact form failing to save lead information correctly? Maybe you invested in a great case study tab on your website, but it never loads?

These are technical errors that can be fixed instantly! But if they go unchecked, problems can arise that directly impact your sales.

So if you’re not seeing the sales you want, audit your website or whatever platform you use to collect sales to make sure everything is working properly.

Step 6: Give your clients a good, better, and best plan

how to increase sales

We do this for each of our services to give clients a range of options based on what fits their needs and budget.

B2C companies can do this by bundling their products.

Customers can either buy a singular product, buy a small bundle, or a bigger bundle to get the best deal. 

Just make sure the best plan or the biggest bundle is also the best and biggest value the customer can get from you to validate the price. 

Doing this makes the smallest price seem fair and the bigger price seem like a deal. 

So those are the 6 steps on how to increase sales! Get in touch with us today if you want to learn more about our services!

The post How to Increase Sales in 6 Easy Steps appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.

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