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4 Ways a Blog Can Help Your Business Grow Right Now

Are you taking advantage of the massive benefits of blogging for business?

The truth is, having a blog is one of the best ways to connect with your audience. It’s also essential for driving long-term growth.

Check out all the ways a blog can help your business grow. And I also included a handful of blog example I love.

Quick Takeaways:

  • If you want to grow your business, you should be blogging.
  • A blog offers key benefits that can help you achieve your business goals.
  • By looking at examples of successful blogs, you can see the potential of blogging for your business.

How Can My Business Benefit from Blogging?

How do more leads, a steady flow of website traffic, stronger customer relationships, and higher revenue sound to you? Appealing, right?

So why haven’t you created a killer blog yet?

I get it – you’ve got a business to run. Who has time to write blog posts and to promote them? In 2019, the average blog post took nearly four hours to write. Add in social media promotion, content planning, and content optimization, and sure, it’s not a cakewalk.

But, the reality is, blogging is worth it. Post regularly, and you’ll expand your customer base and engage with your existing customers, helping to strengthen the all-important brand-buyer bond. Businesses that blog regularly benefit from:

  • More web traffic
  • Better quality leads
  • Brand trust and thought leadership
  • Highly engaged customers

Not only that. If you don’t make blogging part of your marketing strategy, you’re essentially handing all the benefits over to your competitors.

Here are 4 Benefits of Blogging Your Business Can’t Afford to Miss…

1. More Web Traffic

With a blog, you’re going to attract more people to your business. Multiple studies have found that businesses see a proportional increase in blog traffic from the number of blog posts they publish. Once you reach 21 to 54 posts, you can see your traffic go up by as much as 30 percent.

Keep publishing high-quality posts, and you’ll keep increasing your web traffic.

Companies that have a blog get almost double the links to their websites, according to a study. Further, the number of domains linking back to a page is one of the most important ranking factors that Google uses when determining page rank.

Also, when you optimize your blog posts for the keywords your audience is using when they search online, your website is more likely to appear on the first page of search results.

Type in the keyword ‘kitchen remodel chicago’ and see what shows up as the first organic result. It’s Chi Renovation and Design, a renovation company with an active blog and keyword-optimized content.

The company posts about twice a month on its blog, uses plenty of eye-catching visuals, and is raking in traffic with its prime Google search results real estate.

This is critical. Seventy-five percent of searchers won’t even go past the first page of search results. Every time your target buyers can’t easily find your website when they’re searching for a solution that your business can provide, you’re losing the opportunity to generate a lead or convert a customer.

2. Better Quality Leads

When your business uses a blog to reach customers, you’ll also be able to generate high-quality leads.

Why is this?

When users search online for a solution to their problem – and your blog provides the answers they need – you’ve got a winning match. This perfect fit is more likely to eventually lead to a sale.

And, this is why blogging for businesses can be so impactful. You’re connecting with your market through the process of adding value to their lives or helping them with a problem.

You’ve already demonstrated that your brand is the answer to their need with your helpful, relevant, high-quality blog post. As a result, they’re more likely to trust your brand and take the next step down the sales funnel.

Boston accounting firm, FJV is a great example of a blog that’s set up to generate quality leads. The company publishes helpful content regularly, which has helped them land on the first page of Google for the right keywords.

And, if you look at the firm’s blog, you’ll find plenty of long-form educational content.

When a potential customer searches for startup accounting services in Boston, FJV shows up as the first organic search result. They’re even above Yelp!

This process is completely different than paid advertisements. With paid search, you may bring in web traffic when you run a campaign. But you still have work to do to convince a lead your brand is right for them.

Not only is blogging going to bring in better leads, but it’s also going to generate more of them. Content marketing produces three times more leads than paid search, according to research from CMI.

3. Brand Trust and Thought Leadership

Another key business benefit is brand trust. When you publish blog posts, you’re establishing your brand as an authority in your industry.

You’re not simply saying you have solutions and care about solving your customers’ problems – you’re doing it with content. This instills confidence in your customers. It also positions your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

US consumers say authenticity is one of the top qualities that would attract them to a brand. For B2B businesses, a blog is just as important as it is for B2C brands. Thirty-five percent of B2B buyers spend one to three hours a week reviewing thought leadership content. Of C-suite execs, 47 percent said thought leadership content had a direct impact on their decision to award business.

If you want to see successful thought leadership in action, check out Adobe’s website. Adobe, one of the most innovative companies in the world according to Forbes, offers an incredibly rich online library with blog posts for designers, marketers, and innovators.

The Adobe Blog is a great example of thought leadership in action

You won’t see this level of trust overnight. But, as you continue to post content that your target market finds useful, the trust barometer keeps rising.

4. Engaged Customers

The biggest benefit of blogging for businesses is engagement. If you aren’t able to keep your customers interested and your brand top-of-mind, you’re losing ground with your customer base.

With blog posts that resonate with your target buyers, you can keep them hooked. Not only that, but your blog will distinguish your business from your competitors.

Whether you’re a software company that wants to be the go-to source for custom app development for businesses in your area. Or, a local produce delivery company trying to compete with giant grocery store chains, blogging is what will ensure your business stands out.

Here are five examples of engaging blogs you can use as a source of inspiration:

A Blog Offers Sustainable Business Growth

Once you get your blog going, you’ll start to see some of the business benefits. Increased traffic. More leads. More sales.

But, you’ll also be able to sustain this growth. The thing is, the time and effort you put in now will pay you back in dividends over time.

This is because the blogs you publish today are going to continue to bring in traffic for years. HubSpot has found that one in every 10 blog posts turns out to be a compounding post. These are your old evergreen posts that generate more and more traffic over time.

A large blog library filled with thought leadership posts will also translate to more backlinks and a better position in search engine results. Which means even more traffic, more leads, and more sales.

As a result, your blog can lead to sustainable growth. Easier scaling. And, serious business success.

If you are ready to get more traffic to your site with quality content published consistently, check out our Content Builder Service.

Set up a quick consultation, and I’ll send you a free PDF version of my books. Get started today – and generate more traffic and leads for your business.

The post 4 Ways a Blog Can Help Your Business Grow Right Now appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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