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7 Brainy Things We Do To Get Our Clients An Average 138% Increase In Traffic

7 brainy things marketing insider group does to increase traffic

Are you trying to increase traffic to your website? Do you want to enhance your customer relationships? Have you considered neuro copywriting? At Marketing Insider Group, we use neuro copywriting to achieve an average 138% increase in traffic for our clients.

As content marketing experts, it’s our job to find out-of-the-box ways to help our clients accomplish their goals. By perfecting marketing strategies that are both engaging and persuasive, you too can use writing techniques to positively influence your audience and increase traffic.

Wondering what we do that’s so revolutionary? You’re in luck, because we’re about to spill our secrets.

Key Takeaways 

  • Neuro copywriting refers to the process of crafting a marketing message that appeals to human psychology
  • Customers who feel an emotional connection with a brand have a 306% higher lifetime value and are 71% more likely to recommend the company to others
  • Use concrete writing tactics proven to expand awareness, drive traffic and increase engagement
  • Headlines with negative superlatives, such as “worst” or “fail”, have a 30% higher click-through rate than those without
  • 82% of people say they prefer to read an article that’s based on data vs. a writer’s opinion

There’s several psychological writing and formatting techniques that can help you increase traffic to your site and raise your conversion rate.


We thought you might ask. Neuro copywriting is defined as “the process of crafting a marketing message that appeals to human psychology, thus increasing brand awareness, influencing engagement and sparking desire to convert.”

illustration of marketing funnel including awareness, engagement and conversion

Image Source: Commercial Integrator

By sprinkling mental hacks throughout your content, you can compel your audience towards making a purchase. Neuro copywriting hooks your readers and keeps them engaged by including small details, like:

  • Odd numbers
  • Strategic word choice
  • Formatting tricks

The neuro copywriting strategy focuses on aligning your message with customers’ values while applying concrete tactics that are proven to initiate engagement. This sparks a meaningful consumer connection, thus creating an emotional bond and helping your audience take action towards satisfying their needs – and purchasing your product, of course.

Did you know that customers who feel an emotional connection with a brand have a 306% higher lifetime value? They are 71% more likely to recommend the company to others.

bar graph shows that companies benefit from creating an emotional connection with customers

Image Source: Folajomi Ballo

Connecting and building trust with your audience increases the likelihood of your content being shared by both loyal readers and search engines. That means driving more traffic to your site is as easy as nailing neuro copywriting.

Increase Traffic With Neuro Copywriting

1. Pop The Question

Before taking a deep dive into web content, readers tend to scan the page first to see if it’s likely to answer their questions. Making your headings or subheadings a question lets your audience make an accurate assumption about what they’ll learn if they keep reading. This subconscious reaction is known as the social instinct.

Curiosity will spark in your audience because they’ll want to confirm whether or not they assumed correctly. They’ll be more likely to keep on reading to make sure they didn’t miss out on anything.

SERP of Marketing Insider Group using a question as an article heading

Your questions don’t have to be exclusively headlines, either. By adding relevant questions throughout your content, you’ll continue to keep your audience’s attention.

2. The Magic of Numbers

Numbers let the brain know that your content is efficient. In fact, 82% of people say they prefer to read an article that’s based on data vs. a writer’s opinion. Use numbers to intrigue your audience and let them know your content can be trusted.

circle graph shows that 82% of readers prefer data-based information

Image Source: Ink and Copy

In addition to statistical facts, use odd-numbered lists to show readers that you’re organized. Odd-numbers intrigue readers and lists subconsciously push them to reach their goal: the end of your article.

While you’re at it, don’t be afraid to use two numbers in your headlines. While the first number grabs the attention of readers, the second number will show them how they can benefit.

Still not convinced? Take a look at the heading of the article you’re reading right now:

7 brainy things we do to get our clients an average 138% increase in traffic 

If it works on our audience, it’ll also work on yours!

3. Beneficial Adjectives

Adjectives in headings and subheads relevant to the value of your content, also known as beneficial adjectives, will hook the attention of your audience. You’ve likely seen many writers use beneficial adjectives such as:

  • New
  • Free
  • Quick
  • Exclusive

Instead of sticking to one, we pair two of them together. Single beneficial adjectives are used so often that readers are likely to scroll right over them. Stand out from your competition and stick two seldom-used, beneficial adjectives in headings, such as:

“The Secret Proven Method to Increasing Site Traffic”

“Neuro Copywriting: A Rare, Innovative Technique to Converting Your Audience”

Unique beneficial adjectives will catch your readers’ eye, appeal to their emotions and encourage them to keep reading.

4. Quote on Quote

Quotes used as headlines or subheads demonstrate expertise and communicate trustworthy content. Conveniently, this will help you score points with both your audience and the man upstairs: Google.

Pull a stand-out sentence from your text and mold it into a quote, or use wise words from industry experts you find relevant to your content, such as:

“We Increased Site Traffic By 138% With Neuro Copywriting” 

“7 Brainy Things We Do To Get Our Clients An Average 138% Increase In Traffic”

A relevant quote will subconsciously signal to your readers that they’re just a click away from finding the answers to their questions.

5. Serve Up The Socratic Method

Developed by Greek philosopher Socrates, the Socratic Method uses a series of argumentative questions to stimulate critical thinking. As you create content, you can use the Socratic Method to intrigue your readers. Begin an introduction with a series of three questions:

“Are you trying to increase traffic to your website? Do you want to enhance your customer relationships? Have you considered neuro copywriting?”

If you’re not comfortable putting your audience in the hot seat, you can also use this method in the form of a statement:

“If you’re interested in: Increased Traffic. Increased Conversion. Increased Revenue. Then you’ll love this guide about the power of neuro copywriting.”

Sharing statements with your readers they’re guaranteed to agree with confirms that you understand their problems and are prepared to answer their questions. To learn more about how the Socratic Method will help persuade your audience, enjoy the short video below.

Video Source: Project Better Self

6. Powerful Persuasion

Power words will guide your audience towards taking action. Power words are persuasive, active verbs that trigger an emotional response in readers. Power words don’t always have to be positive either – they can make readers feel:

  • Excited
  • Angry
  • Safe
  • Fearful
  • Curious

Use powerful words and phrases throughout your content to convince your readers that converting will solve their problems.

Example of MIG using power words

Sensory language is also a powerful writing tool. It appeals to readers’ senses, helping them see, smell, taste, touch and hear your message. Sprinkle sensory details throughout your content, such as:

“Increasing site traffic is tough when you’re juggling tools and techniques.”

“Stop fussing with SEO tools and secure a bright future with marketing experts”

Sensory detailed writing shares a story with your audience and encourages an emotional connection with your message.

7. Negativity Isn’t Always Negative

Nobody wants to live in fear, but there’s no denying that it’s a powerful motivator. Using negative language in your writing will trigger your audience to take action. Suggesting to your readers that they’ll miss an opportunity or “look stupid” can make your content all that much more convincing.

In fact, headlines with negative superlatives, such as “worst” or “never”, have a 30% higher click-through rate than those without. Don’t be afraid to throw some negative power words into your heading (kindly, of course) to instill a sense of fear in your readers:

“11 Ways to Fail at Content Marketing”

Stop Making Marketing Mistakes: Ban These 9 Methods From Your Content Strategy”

When your loyal audience sees negative words in your content, they’ll fear they’re doing something that’s stopping them from reaching their goals. Because they trust you, they’ll keep reading to avoid making a mistake.

Increase Traffic Today

Increase traffic to your website by using simple neuro copywriting techniques. Doing so will build an emotional connection with readers and captivate a loyal audience.

Not up for the neuro copywriting challenge? No problem! Marketing Insider Group has a team of professional writers that can help deliver optimized, neuro-copy-written content every week.

Check out our SEO Blog Writing Service today or schedule a quick consultation now to learn more!

The post 7 Brainy Things We Do To Get Our Clients An Average 138% Increase In Traffic appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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