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Blog Posts We’re Tired of Seeing in 2023

template image with tired man for marketing insider group’s article on blog posts we’re tired of seeing in 2023

We hate to complain, but there’s just too many blog posts we’re tired of seeing in 2023. As content marketing experts, we know what kind of articles drive traffic to and from your website. It breaks our hearts to see your marketing efforts go to waste with content that isn’t optimized for conversion.

If you’re taking time or spending money to create content, you might as well make it worth your while. That’s why we’re sharing a list of content marketing mistakes that are turning readers away from your articles. Stop writing these 8 blog posts we’re tired of seeing, and trust me – you’ll thank us later.

Quick Takeaways

  • Use statistics, case studies, and customer testimonials to support your claims
  • 73% of readers skim blog posts, so you need to post clear & concise content to keep site visitors on your page
  • Images, videos, and other visual aids increase engagement
  • Blog posts have to offer value and answer readers’ questions to perform well on SERPs

We’re tired of seeing your marketing efforts wasted on poorly structured blog posts. Stop making these 8 mistakes and start capturing more conversions.

8 Blog Posts We’re Tired of Seeing

Did you know that 77% of internet users read blog posts? That means if you’re not posting high quality content, you’re missing out on a major opportunity to convert leads.

We want your content to drive traffic just as much as you do. Here’s 8 blog posts we’re tired of seeing, and how you can start creating content that converts.

1. Dense Text

There’s nothing worse than when you’re searching for a simple answer and you open an article with a dense paragraph of text. Back to the drawing board!

gif shows will ferrell scene

Image Source: Giphy

If you want to keep visitors on your site, you need to give them what they want – and fast. About 73% of readers skim blog posts, so if site visitors feel like they have to work for an answer, they’re going to search for a better article.

At MIG, we keep paragraphs to a 4-line maximum and write at an 8th-grade reading level. This way, our readers are more likely to find what they’re looking for with minimal effort.

2. No Subheadings or Bullet Points

Similar to dense text, a blog post without subheadings or bullet points is hard for skimmers to read quickly. Not only that, but it’s also bad for SEO.

Section off your high quality content with headings and subheadings (we use H2s and H3s) as much as possible. Utilize bullet points when you can to help readers navigate complex ideas.

By organizing your content into small chunks of easy-to-understand information, it will be better received by both search engines and visitors, and ultimately deliver more value.

3. Boring Headlines

I don’t know about you, but we’re scrolling past headlines that don’t peak our interest. It doesn’t matter if you’re posting high quality content if no one is interested in reading it. Intriguing your readers means serving up some click-worthy headlines.

Some of our favorite tricks for creating great headlines are using:

  • Clarity
  • Numbers
  • Emotional language (i.e. new, free)
  • Negative language (i.e. stop, never)
  • Dashes and colons
  • Questions

Keep in mind, your headlines still need to be relevant to your topic. In the complex world of SEO, it’s frowned upon to sacrifice relevance for a boosted click-rate.

4. No Proof

Anyone can post anything on the internet – so when it comes to trusting information, your readers need some cold hard facts to back it up.

image shows scene with man saying facts

Image Source: Giphy

Including statistics in your blog posts not only builds trust with your readers, but also gives them a better understanding of your topic. For example, saying that “there are more than 600 million blogs on the internet” offers more value than saying “blogging is very popular.”

But statistics aren’t the only way you can establish trust and value with your readers. You can also:

  • Publish case studies
  • Share customer reviews
  • Work with industry influencers and thought leaders

The key to converting leads is showing them you can be trusted, and doing so is much easier when you have proof to back up your claims.

5. No Videos, Images, or Graphs

Today’s consumers are all about the visuals. Not only do videos and images keep your readers entertained, but they also help break up text. Without them, site visitors are going to get bored quickly and look elsewhere for more engaging content.

Take advantage of:

  • Video content
  • Infographics
  • Gifs
  • Graphs

Including a few visuals throughout your blog post will make your content shareable and heighten your chances of capturing conversions.

6. No Clear CTA

This one really hurts. Without a clear call-to-action (CTA), how is your content to convert site visitors?

gif shows man crying at blog posts we're tired of seeing

Image Source: Giphy

Guide your readers towards making a purchase by including a relevant form to fill out. Offer a free download, urge readers to subscribe to your newsletter, provide a discount code, etc. Anything is better than nothing!

screenshot of MIG call-to-action for free download

Not only will your readers feel engaged, but you’ll also have access to their information for future contact. We recommend placing CTAs at the end of your blog posts as a clear next-step.

7. Irrelevant Information

Three words:

  1. Waste
  2. Of
  3. Time

gif shows man throwing away computer

Image Source: Giphy

Sharing information that’s unrelated to your headline is going to turn away readers – and search engines aren’t going to like it, either. According to Google’s latest Helpful Content Update, top-ranking content is:

  • High-quality, valuable content
  • Content written to help humans
  • Content that uses SEO best practices

Including unhelpful information for the sake of length or quantity is a major no-no. Instead, address the questions and concerns of your readers and optimize keyword research. That will get you much closer to your target audience.

8. No Linking

A blog post without internal links is weak in terms of optimization. You may have gotten someone to click on your article, but if you want to keep them engaged, internal links are essential.

Including navigation links and anchor text not only keep visitors on your site, but they also help improve your site’s ranking. By planting links to other blog posts and opportunities for conversion, you can improve engagement and enhance the user experience.

Learn more about internal links by reading our article on The Why and How of Internal Link Building for SEO.

See what I did there?

Update Your Blog Posts We’re Tired of Seeing

Phew! We’re feeling relieved after sharing the blog posts we’re tired of seeing in 2023. By steering clear of mistakes that drive readers away from your content, you’re guaranteed to see some positive results.

You know what you need to do. It’s time to start creating high quality content that delivers traffic and conversions. Get started today by checking out our weekly blog content service, or schedule a free consultation now to learn more!

The post Blog Posts We’re Tired of Seeing in 2023 appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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