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5 Blog Post Templates to Help You Create Remarkable Content

Producing regular, high-quality content for your client base is crucial for the growth of your business. Blog writing remains one of the best parts of a solid content marketing strategy. In fact, businesses with a blog get 434% more indexed pages, 55% more visitors, and 97% more inbound links. Let’s face it, though, sometimes the creative well runs dry, which is when you need an easy-to-use blog post template.

Learn about seven of the best templates to keep your content flowing.

Consistent blogging by using top blog post template ideas leads to 434% more indexed pages

Image Source: HubSpot

Key Takeaways:

  • You should blog consistently, hit the word count sweet spot, find effective keywords, and create compelling meta descriptions.
  • Lists, guides, comparisons, definitions, guest posts, case studies, and myth busters are seven of the best blog post template formats.
  • A strong introduction and motivating conclusion make for more persuasive blog posts.

Blog Post Template Essentials

No matter which one of our blog post template secret recipes you use, apply the following five principles:

  1. Be consistent: We find that you typically need about three to four months of consistent, quality content to see a larger yield.
  2. Keep your word count between 1,000 and 1,800 words: Google likes articles within this range.
  3. Know your keywords: Search engine optimization and marketing are most successful when you know which words are most important to your subject matter.
  4. Have a compelling meta description: If your description is boring or irrelevant, prospects won’t click.
  5. Create an intriguing introduction: If you struggle to create engaging introductions, check out our article on the Promise-Proof-Bridge format.

Using blog post templates helps you publish articles daily, which exponentially boosts traffic and conversions

Image Source: Marketing Insider Group

Now we’ll share each template and the keys for top-notch titles and banging bodies.

1. Lists

Probably the most clicked-on blog post template is a list (like the one you’re reading!) Listicles let readers anticipate what to expect in a digestible format.


Your title should have the number of items you’re sharing and a clear benefit. This article’s title is a perfect example: You’re getting seven templates to help you create remarkable content.

Numbers divisible by 5 or with a cultural or social significance, such as the lucky seven of this post, work particularly well.


Break your lists up with subheadings that improve readability. For every heading, briefly explain what the item is and why your reader needs to know it. Then give examples of how to do it.

2. Guides and How-Tos

You likely use the internet for looking up DIY projects and how-tos. So do your prospects! Capitalize on common habits with this blog post template.


These titles typically start with “How To” (hence, the name). A separate clause that builds trust can follow, such as “and How To Stick With It” or “and Why You Should.” Otherwise, you can describe your article as a guide, handbook, or manual.

If you’re a startup selling grills, we could apply this blog template to the world of BBQ with titles like:

  • How To Find The Best Grill Tools and Why You Should Look Now
  • The Complete Guide to Searing Steaks Like a Champ
  • The Ultimate Handbook for Cleaning Your Grill

This template lets you offer instructions to everyone at each step of the buying funnel to nurture leads.


Subheadings here need to follow a logical format that provides an explanation from beginning to end about how to achieve the stated goal in the title. Ensure each step is practical and actionable.

3. Comparisons

Comparison articles should differentiate between two similar concepts or demonstrate the pros and cons of different ideas or products. This blog post template is particularly helpful if you expect your clients to be researching your product or industry.


This formula is commonly referred to as “X vs. Y.” Successful title examples from us at Marketing Insider Group include:

You don’t always have to use “vs.,” but you should compare two relevant topics to inform your reader of the nuance and detail.


One way to execute this blog post template is to start with a subheading or two briefly defining each item. Then you can look at an aspect of each subject and compare them head to head.

You could also discuss all the pros of one and follow with all the cons. Then do the same with the other subject. Conclude with a summary of the findings.

4. Comprehensive Definitions and Overviews

Think about how many times you’ve searched for something on the internet because you wanted to know more about it. Your prospects and clients do that, too, so give them what they want with this blog post template.


Definition articles work great with a simple “What Is…?” title. You could also state that the article is an overview of a subject.

General overview articles for an SEO marketing firm could be titled:

  • What Is Search Engine Optimization, and Why Should You Care?
  • What Is the Point of Digital Marketing?
  • The Ins and Outs of Google Trends: Building Your Brand Online

Get creative with your titles! Have diversity in your articles to draw in different people looking for unique things.


Definition articles should be a general overview of whatever topic you think your target audience would be researching (or would grab their attention). Break down each element of the subject but spend more time on why your discussion is important and how to use the information.

5. Expert Guest Posts or Interviews

If you’re struggling to find inspiration or just don’t have the time, consider inviting or hiring a guest writer! This might be the easiest blog post template because you don’t do all the work. 😆

Guest writers can:

  • Provide legitimacy to your brand with their expertise
  • Bring over their audiences to your site
  • Help you meet Google’s EEAT criteria for better SEO

You could also briefly interview various experts on a specific topic to share their opinions in an article you write.


Your titles should highlight the expertise of your guest writer or interviewee. Definitely use the person’s name if the individual is a well-known personality.

We’ve used LinkedIn Marketer Shares Her Top Tips For Content Marketing Success and 5 Expert Tips from Influential Executives to Improve Your Social Media Approach to great effect.


Guest posters will have their own preferred format, but consider creating a strong introduction to introduce them to your audience.

For interviews, create a subheading for each writer’s take on the main subject. Alternatively, you could make your interview questions into headings and put each expert’s response in bullet points.

6. Case Studies

Your best prospects are looking for proof that you can deliver on your promises. A case study blog post template is an outstanding way to do that.


Summarize what your study is about and who benefitted from your work. A communications company could use something like “Switching to Cloud-Based Communications Saves [Company Name] 33%” or “Why [Client Company] Chose [Your Company].”

Your title should help prospects see someone like them who benefitted from working with you.


A case study gives you the chance to show how you solved a legitimate problem. It’s basically a testimonial charged with jet fuel.

Use a storytelling format that is engaging and gets your leads thinking, “Hey, that sounds like us!” Then your ideal prospects will imagine themselves working with you, moving you one step closer to a contract.

A case study blog post template is a preferred resource for executives making B2B purchases

Image Source: Marketing Charts

7. The Myth Buster

Here at Marketing Insider Group, we love creating a little controversy. The myth-busting blog post template is a great way to stir things up and grab attention.


Tongue-in-cheek headlines work great as titles here. For example, you’ve probably figured out we’re passionate about blogging for content marketing, so what better way to grab eyeballs than with our “Why Blogging Is Dead” article?


Use each subheading to break down why each myth exists and why they’re flat wrong.

In our “Why Blogging Is Dead” article, we demonstrate seven reasons why blogging isn’t dead. We start by highlighting the myths that the uninformed or uninitiated commonly believe, and then we expose the truth.

Blog Post Template Wrap-Up

No matter your blog post template, always reiterate the need for your product or service. Conclude with a concise call to action, and show how readers would be better off working with you than trying to go it alone.

Help With Your Blog Post Template Attack Plan

By using these templates and implementing blog posting essentials, you can improve your lead conversion rates and keep your ad spending down. Now that you have some fresh ideas, get to writing!

Do you want to use these marketing strategies and more but need help or advice? You’re in luck!

Marketing Insider Group’s team of 35+ experienced writers is ready to bring their blog post template expertise to your business. Check out our weekly blog content service or schedule a free consultation.

The post 5 Blog Post Templates to Help You Create Remarkable Content appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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