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Facebook Ad Certification: Is It Worth It?

Have You Been Considering Getting A Facebook Ad Certification?

A lot of business owners are looking into Facebook’s blueprint certifications. 

But the big question is, are they worth it?

Word on the street in the digital marketing world is… they’re not. 

So in this post, we’re going to cover the Facebook ad certification.

This is to help you determine if they could actually make a difference to your business or not.

And at the end of the post, we’ll go over another ad course alternative that may be better suited for your business.

Let’s get started!

Defining What Facebook Ad Certifications Are

Facebook says, “Facebook certification exams help you stand out in your field.

Facebook awards credentials to individuals who demonstrate advanced-level proficiency in various aspects of digital marketing with Facebook products.”

So let’s go to facebook.com/business/learn/certification and take a look at what they offer. 

facebook ad certification

They have different courses you can click into.

And when you click “Learn More” on one, it takes you to the page where you can learn more about that exam and certification, and register.

It currently costs about $99 U.S. dollars to take an exam, and no refunds are given if you fail the test. 

So you want to make sure if you do plan on taking these exams, that you are prepared!

If you scroll down, you can see some exam prep resources. 

If you click Get Started under “Learn with blueprint”, you can get access to FREE online courses.

Beyond that, you can take a practice test and they have a free study guide you can download as well.

What To Expect If You Plan On Taking A Facebook Blueprint Exam

As we said, it does cost money to take the test. so you’ll want to feel pretty confident that you can pass it before burning money on it.

They’re also very serious about your exam environment.

facebook ad certification

If you don’t choose to take the exam in one of their testing centers, you will have to meet their at-home requirements.

This includes a webcam for them to watch and ensure you’re not cheating as well as installing software to record your screen.

You must do the required system test and exam simulation before exam day, and you’ll also need a valid ID.

So the big question is…

Is Facebook Ad Certification Worth All The Trouble?

In our opinion, the exams are only worth doing if you are looking to get a job in digital marketing or pursue a career in advertising

…and want some credentials to add to your resume. 

So if you look at the courses, the majority of them are how-to’s.

facebook ad certification

Like the “Digital Marketing Associate” exam, for example, studying for that will teach you how to create, manage, and report on ads in Ads Manager. 

facebook ad certification

The problem is you can learn how to do that for free by just googling it, or watching a free YouTube video.

And that can be said for a lot of these exams.

So if you’re considering taking these courses because you’re trying to learn more about Facebook ads for entrepreneurs or to grow your business,

  1. you can learn the basics for free online without having to pay for the exam, and
  2. it’s not really teaching you much beyond how to do things. 

Yes, learning the basics is important, but these courses don’t get into the nitty-gritty of critical thinking with your marketing…

…and talking about real-life scenarios or what to do in really specific situations.

So if you’re a business owner just looking to learn for the sake of growing your business…

…we would just take advantage of their free studying material because otherwise, why do you really need the title of being certified?

facebook ad certification

That’s why we think having the certification is only truly helpful if you’re looking to start a career in digital marketing.

But otherwise, there are so many free avenues to obtain the basic level of knowledge when it comes to Facebook ads.

This includes their own blueprint study material, which again is free.

And even more importantly, there are other paid training courses out there that get deeper into Facebook ad training. 

So with that, let’s talk about…

Our #1 Suggested Alternative To Facebook Ad Certification

It is none other than LYFE Marketing’s social media ads training course. Now we know, it’s a shameless plug.

You’re probably like, “of course you’d recommend that one…” But, let us explain why. 

We’re a digital marketing agency that has been around for over a decade, meaning we were out here marketing back when…

…Scott McCreery won American Idol, when Kate and William got married, and Kim K divorced Chris H. and all that. 

Feels like a lifetime ago right? Especially after 2020. 

But in all seriousness, our point is that in all that time, we have not only managed millions in ad spend for our clients…

…but we’ve also garnered a ton of experience with every business/ad scenario you can imagine. 

And that’s not something to take lightly! In a world of instant gratification, experience carries even more weight than it used to.

Now again, if you’re new in Facebook ads, then why not look at Facebook’s blueprint study material to learn the basics for free?

Nothing to lose there. 

But if you’re going to spend money on something, you want it to provide real value. 

Why spend it on getting a credential that says, “hey you know stuff you already knew you knew”…

…when you could spend it on furthering your knowledge and investing in yourself and your business.

So while our recommended training course is LYFE Marketing’s, we would suggest that any Facebook ad training course you look into…

…be one that can really provide you with information that’s not already plastered all over the internet for free. 

One that actually furthers your marketing education and equips you with digital marketing tools to grow your business successfully and sustainably.


So what do you think?

Do you think taking the Facebook ad certification exam is worth it?

Not just studying the free material, but actually paying and taking the exam. Let us know what you think!

The post Facebook Ad Certification: Is It Worth It? appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.

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