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Top B2B Marketing Experts to Follow

What does it take to be recognized as a high-profile B2B marketing expert?

Opinions vary, but most marketers agree on one important element, and it has nothing to do with followers, likes, education, or qualifications.

B2B marketing experts earn their titles as influencers by sharing valuable insight with others consistently. And they share their thought leadership online and offline where other people want to listen to what they have to say.

So what exactly gives B2B Marketing Experts credibility and makes them valuable?

The fact is, all of the most prominent B2B marketing influencers have a significant amount of experience to back up their opinions.

Each one has managed their own projects and have had to test various concepts, analyze the results, implement best practices, and continually evolve their strategies to meet the needs of an ever-changing industry.

With the unpredictable circumstances our society is facing, these B2B marketing influencers have kept their content consistent and relevant. Just like any good brand content marketing strategy.

They carefully craft and manage their personal brand. They have a LinkedIn marketing strategy for themselves and their content.

They have used the Covid-19 pandemic as a catalyst to change and improve their means of sharing what they know with an increasingly digital world.

Consistency is Key to Marketing Influencer

These B2B Marketing experts have grown their following and their influence in difficult times by sharing their success and helping other people. And all it took was a commitment to sharing regularly.

For top-tier B2B marketers, the insights that they share offer a unique value that you won’t find elsewhere, either because:

  • They’re pioneers of their trade
  • They are amazing at what they do
  • They share more often or in more creative ways

The most successful influencers in the game are aware and proactive when it comes to this digital media shift. These marketing experts have accordingly adjusted their approach to sharing their insights with fellow and upcoming marketers.

Social Media Is One Tool – But They Start With Platforms They Own

An important aspect of these B2B marketing experts is the use of their digital platforms. Twitter, instagram, and TikTok have become a crucial element of our society.

Most of these influencers start with their own websites or personal blogs. They don’t “build their house on rented land” as B2B Marketing expert Joe Pulizzi would say.

Yes, their presence on social media has set them apart from other marketers in the way that they efficiently utilize their platforms to spread information.

But they don’t rely on social media to deliver marketing outcomes and business growth.

Another characteristic that distinguishes the best B2B marketers is that they never stop learning or sharing their insights with others.

Storytelling and Marketing Influence

Ann Handley once said that to become successful in marketing, you need to “make your audience the hero of your stories!”

These folks are constantly testing new stories, better jokes, developing new ideas, and sharing their discoveries. They keep their content and media up to date and relevant to the happenings of the ever changing marketing world.

If you want to learn the best ways to achieve success, you have to learn from the best. So follow these amazing B2B Marketing experts. Watch and learn and emulate what they do if you want to become known as an expert in your field.

Here are our picks for the top B2B marketing Influencers

Ann Handley

Ann Handley is Chief Content Officer for MarketingProfs.com, one of the best online resources to develop your marketing skills . She claims to wage a war against mediocre content and is a veteran at creating and managing digital material that helps build relationships for both businesses and individuals.

Joe Pulizzi

Joe Pulizzi is the founder of Tilt, a content community for content creators and content entrepreneurs. He is also the founder of the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), since sold to UBM and considered by many to be the godfather of content marketing.

Jay Baer

Jay is the president of strategy consulting firm, Convince & Convert, and is a regular contributor to various marketing websites and platforms online. Baer is also a sought after keynote speaker and New York Times best-selling author whose expertise lies within marketing and sales.

Doug Kessler

Doug Kessler is Velocity Partners’ creative director and co-founder, a well-established digital marketing company that focuses on branding, demand generation, strategy, and content marketing. He takes a refreshingly honest standpoint on not only content marketing, but also global issues, and politics.

michael brenner b2b marketing influencerMichael Brenner

Michael Brenner is the former VP of Digital Marketing at SAP, he’s been a CMO of multiple high-growth startups, is a top Content Marketing influencer and now runs this fast-growing content marketing agency, Marketing Insider Group. He is also the author of The Content Formula, and Mean People SuckWhen he’s not running after his 4 kids, Michael enjoys helping small companies, SaaS startups and large B2B Tech brands grow their business through content marketing.

John Hall

John Hall is the co-founder and president of Calendar, a scheduling and time management app. He’s also the strategic adviser for Relevance, a company that helps brands differentiate themselves and lead their industry online. You can book him as a keynote speaker here and you can check out his best-selling book “Top of Mind.”

Brian Dean

Brian Dean is the founder of Backlinko, a marketing website that specializes in SEO training and link building strategies. Brian is also a regular contributor to a number of high-profile digital marketing portals and he has established a name for himself as the go-to guy for quality link building practices.

Ardath Albee

Ardath Albee is a B2B marketing strategist with tons of speaking, writing, and workshop experience. She is the CEO for the consulting firm Marketing Interactions, Inc.. On top of being a B2B Marketing Strategist, Ardath is also author of eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale. Ardath worked for companies such as Cisco, Adobe and Teradata.

Pam Didner

Pam Didner is a skilled marketer, speaker and writer in the digital and tech marketing field. She helps her clients turn content into sales efficiently and effectively. She’s the author of several books, Global Content Marketing, Effective Sales Enablement, and The Modern AI Marketer.

Nancy Duarte

Nancy Duarte is a communication expert who has been featured in every major magazine you can imagine. Her firm, Duarte, Inc., is the global leader behind some of the most influential visual messages in business and culture.

Avinash Kaushik

He’s the Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google, and a passionate teacher who shares his perspective frequently via multiple channels: a weekly newsletter (The Marketing Analytics Intersect), a bi-monthly blog (Occam’s Razor) and two best-selling books that have been translated into over a dozen languages (Web Analytics: An Hour A Day and Web Analytics 2.0).

Simon Sinek

Simon may be best known for popularizing the concept of The golden circle and thew power of WHY in his first TED Talk in 2009. Since then he has authored (global bestsellers Start With WhyLeaders Eat LastTogether is BetterFind Your Why and The Infinite Game.

Marcus Sheridan

Marcus Sheridan is an amazing keynote speaker known for his unique ability to excite, engage and motivate live audiences and in 2017 Forbes names Marcus one of 20 “Speakers You Don’t Want to Miss.”  Marcus is the author of the content marketing guidebook, “They Ask, you Answer,” and Marcus has been featured in the New York Times, Inc., The Globe and Mail, Content Marketing Institute, Social Media Examiner, and more.

Juntae DeLane

Juntae DeLane is the founder of Digital Branding Institute, Sr. Digital Brand Manager for the University of Southern California, and principal consultant for DIGITAL DELANE. He frequently delivers talks around the country advancing the practice of digital branding. Juntae not only writes the premier digital branding blog, but also shares his expertise through his podcast “The Digital Branding Podcast.”

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich, an integrated marketing communications firm. She is the author of Spin Sucks, co-author of Marketing in the Round, and co-host of Inside PR. She also is the lead blogger at Spin Sucks and is the founder of Spin Sucks Pro.

Christopher Penn

Christopher S. Penn is an authority on analytics, digital marketing, marketing technology, data science, and machine learning. … Prior to co-founding Trust Insights, he built the marketing for a series of startups with a 100% successful exit rate in the financial services, SaaS software, and public relations industries.

Douglas Burdett

Douglas Burdett is a marketing agency founder, and a former Madison Avenue ad man and U.S. Army artillery officer. … As the host of The Marketing Book Podcast, each week he interviews authors of new marketing and sales book. He’s done over 225 interviews and has read every single book on the show.

Tequia Burt

Tequia Burt is the editor-in-cheif of the Linked Marketing Solution blog and she is the founder and CEO of Content[Ed.], is a veteran editor and writer with more than 15 years of experience covering the B2B marketing landscape.

Oli Gardner


Andy Crestodina


Deanna Ransom


Tracy Eiler

Lauren Goldstein

Carlos Hidalgo

John Jantsch

Tyler Lessard

Carla Johnson

Andrew Davis

Andrew Davis is one of the best keynote speakers you will ever see. He’s written several books such as BrandscapingTown Inc., and Digital Marketing Growth Hacks and he regularly posts podcasts and videos about The Loyalty Loop!

Jon Miller


Lilach Bullock

Lilach Bullock is one of Forbes Top 20 Women Social Media Influencers. She was also named the #1 Digital Marketer by Career Experts, and the top Social Influencer by Oracle.

She is extremely active across social media, frequently using her profiles to repost and link to her numerous blog posts that reach across the digital marketing spectrum.

Michele Linn

Marissa Pick

Tamara McCleary

Danielle Guzman

Melanie Deziel

Tom Pick

Kyle Lacy

Katie Martell

Rand Fishkin

Rand is the co-founder of SparkToro, and previous founder and CEO of MOZ, one of the leading SEO tools on the market.


Jay Acunzo

Jay Acunzo is a speaker, comedian, author of “Break The Wheel” and podcaster who travels the world and posts on Instagram to help creative people find their voices. His content is humorous and will be sure to get you thinking about what you do and why you do it.

Michaela Alexis

Jacquie Chakirelis

Michael Barber

Jason Miller

Nancy Harhut

Carmen Hill

A. Lee Judge

Sarah Goodall

Robert Rose

Tim Washer

Lee Odden

Nick Westergaard

Craig Rosenberg

Adele Revella

Stephanie Stahl

April Dunford


Top B2B CMO Experts

Ann Lewnes (Adobe)

Chris Capossela (MSFT)

Linda Boff (GE)

Heidi Bullock (Tealium)

Stephanie Buscemi (Confluent)

Kathy Button Bell (Emerson)

Amisha Gandhi (Tipalti)

Siddharth Taparia (JLL)

Kirsten Allegri Williams (Optimizely)

Ben Gibson (Nutanix)

Scott Anderson (Intermedia)

Mark Wilson (Blackberry)

Final Thoughts

These experts are a treasure trove of valuable information, which is why B2B marketers should be looking to them for tips, tricks, best practices, and inspiration.

Whether you’re trying to establish your brand online or develop an effective content marketing programs, these experts are excellent sources of inspiration who impart an abundance of awesome content online, so don’t miss out on what they have to say.

The post Top B2B Marketing Experts to Follow appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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