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Effective Tips for SEO Management to Rank #1 on Google

How Can SEO Management Help Rank Your Website?

Using our agency’s SEO management service, our client was able to rank on 136 first pages for over 2,000 Google keywords.

On top of that, our client generated over $300,000 in revenue from organic traffic.

If you want to see results like this for your business through SEO management, then keep reading.

Because today, we’re going to share with you tips for SEO management to rank #1 on Google.

If you are an SEO beginner, or looking to learn more about SEO management services, then today’s post is for you! 

SEO stands for search engine optimization.

This is the process of optimizing your website to rank in the top spots on search engine results pages. 

So anytime you go into Google to research a product or service, the first unpaid or “organic” websites that pop up are a result of SEO. 

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Over the last few years, the process of SEO has changed to become much more difficult.

Before, you could just stuff your website with keywords and you would be rewarded with the #1 spot on search engine results pages. 

The Google algorithm has been continuously evolving, forcing companies to put a lot more effort into their blogs and websites in order to place in the top spots.

In fact, you can check out the new Google algorithm update in this post.

That being said, businesses now have to fight it out to rank on the first page of Google, based on their shared targeted keywords. 

Considering that less than 6% of people click to the second page of Google results, it makes sense why SEO is an uphill battle! 

But not to worry, in this post, we’re going to show you how to manage your SEO ranking with different SEO management services.

We will go over an example of SEO, talk about why it’s important, explain how Google’s algorithm works, and more! 

Plus, you’ll want to stay until the end of the post because later, we’re going to reveal 3 bonus tips for SEO management.  

So if you’re ready to get started, let’s get started!

Example Of SEO

Now that we have defined what SEO is, let’s take a look at an example. 

Let’s say we are going on a ski trip soon and want to search for “water bottles for skiing”. We will use this as our keyword on Google.

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Keywords are simply the words or phrases that you type into a search bar.

So in this case, our keyword is “water bottle for skiing”. Even though it is composed of 4 words, it is technically only one keyword. 

So, as we hit search, we see all the results for this keyword.

As we scroll we can see all the links to websites, online stores, and articles that are using this keyword. 

These are all organic search results.

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This means these companies didn’t pay Google any money to show up on the search engine results page. 

This is different from SEM or PPC ads in which you see the word “Ad” or “Sponsored” next to the website link. 

So now that we know what is SEO and what an example of SEO looks like, let’s talk about why SEO is important in the first place. 

The Importance Of SEO

So why do we even need SEO? What can ranking your website in the #1 spot really do for your business? 

There are two main benefits to using SEO: it helps your business and your customers.

SEO can help your business by driving large amounts of traffic to your website by ranking #1 on the search engine results pages.

Beyond that, SEO can drive targeted and relevant traffic to your website. 

This is better because you are putting your business in front of people who are actively searching for you.  

So how does this happen? 

SEO connects consumers with businesses that sell products or services aimed at solving their problems. 

Because people are looking for the fastest solution to their pain points and problems…

…they don’t want to click past the first page, let alone the first few results. 

In fact, according to research, the first 5 organic results account for 67% of clicks on Google.

SEO management helps your customers because they are literally depending on SEO to find the answer to their problems. 

For instance, if you needed to hire a lawn mowing service, where is the first place you would go to search for it? Probably Google, right? 

Your potential customers are no different! 

Now you know that customers are already online searching for products and services…

…make their pathway to your business as easy as possible by working with the Google algorithm for SEO.

Understanding The Google Algorithm 

Google is the most popular search engine in the world.

It holds over 92% of the total search engine market share, and processes about 3.5 billion searches a day.

Other popular search engines worth noting are YouTube, Yahoo, Bing, and Amazon, but none of them come close to Google.

So what makes Google so popular? 

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information, and make it accessible and useful to all its users.

With that, comes a hefty responsibility.

Think about it, why do you use Google’s search engine? Probably because you trust that it will give you the most relevant information, right? 

Google has a reputation to keep up, and so to do that, it has to have an intricate system to produce the best results. 

The Google algorithm has over 200 factors that will help it determine what is relevant to your website.

We won’t have time to go over all 200, so let’s focus on the most important ones that you can utilize for your own business. 

One of the most important ranking factors to Google is relevancy. 

Google makes sure that whatever its users are searching for, is met with relevant results that help them solve problems.

Imagine if you were searching for an organic makeup company on Google and you click on the first result. 

Now imagine that it was a company that only sells a few organic makeup products, but is not a 100% organic makeup brand.

Seeing this is #1 result on Google when it doesn’t match what you were looking for would probably make you frustrated. 

This kind of situation would make people less likely to trust Google and use its platform in the future…

…which is why Google places such importance on relevance. 

The second huge factor for Google is usefulness.

Google really cares about user experience. Because of this, Google will look very closely at several metrics to see how users respond to your website.

Are people clicking back to the search engine page pretty quickly after clicking on your website?

Or are they staying for long amounts of time because they found your website useful?

How are users enjoying or not enjoying their time on your website? 

Let’s look at another example. 

Imagine you are searching for the best running shoes.

Once you click on the first result, the website takes over a minute to load, has broken links, and has only a small selection of running shoes. 

In a real scenario, you probably wouldn’t even wait the full minute for the site to load to see the rest of the mistakes the site is making.

But if you did make it to the site, this imaginary website would probably have a super high bounce rate…

…due to its lack of resourcefulness and organization for the visitor. 

All of this combined would drop its rankings on the search engine results pages. 

On-page SEO Management

Now that you understand more about Google’s algorithm, let’s look at some ways to take action to make your website relevant and useful.

Let’s start with on-page SEO.

On-page SEO is really important to SEO management because this includes all the elements on your actual website or blog.

On-page SEO refers to your title tag, meta description, internal links, and more. 

1. Title Tag

This is the heading that users see on search engine result pages.

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It’s the headline that people click to go to your website or blog. 

The point of a title tag is to serve as a headline to your website, that also summarizes the content on your page.

Because this is the first thing people see before they click on your website, it’s important for it to be engaging and include your targeted keywords. 

The more specific your headlines are, the more you will pull in and intrigue users. 

2. Meta Description

This is the small summary or blurb under your title tag.

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Users can read this to get a better idea of what your website is about in relation to the keywords. 

The standard meta description is about 160 characters or less. So be sure to keep it short, sweet, and to the point. 

Meta descriptions are important because they act as organic ad text. 

This means that the meta description is just as important as your ad text.

The more interesting and specific your meta description is, the higher the click-through rate will be, which Google will reward you for.

So if you want to rank higher on SERPs, utilize your meta description wisely. 

3. Internal Linking

Internal linking occurs when you hyperlink to another page on your website.

So, if you are writing an article about “8 Easy Dinner Ideas on a Budget” and are talking about ingredients for a certain recipe…

…you can link to a page with your brand new pasta sauce within the list, guiding people towards your product.  

Remember to keep these links relevant and useful for your audience. 

When done right, internal links can be great for helping your readers navigate your website, and find new and useful information for their pain points or goals.

When people click your internal links, this will help your SEO.

And that’s because it drives traffic and will help them stay on the website for its useful information. 

Google will see that, and understand that your website is really helpful to consumers. 

4. Keyword Research

Even though it’s last on this list, that does not mean it’s last in importance.

In fact, keyword research might be the most important part of SEO because that is what makes it possible for people to find your business!

Keywords are important to include throughout your website or blog so that it can rank higher. 

Using natural keyword implementation, use your keywords throughout your title tag, meta description, and more. 

You want to use more specific and targeted keywords because that can lead to a higher conversion rate.

Also, you will have less competition trying to rank for it against other businesses.

You want to aim to have your target keywords in the first and last 100 words of your content, at minimum.

Also, be sure to read this post for more keyword research tips.

Using keyword implementation, optimizing your title tag and meta description, and internal linking…

…your on-page SEO tactics will be sure to help you see results! 

Off-Page SEO Management

Moving on to the last part of SEO management, off-page seo. This includes page optimization, backlinks, and more. 

In this step, you are trying to get Google to trust your website. 

Even though these elements are not something you can directly change…

…there are ways for you to improve your chances of having these elements work in your favor. 

1. Link Building

Backlinks occur when another website hyperlinks to one of your website pages or blog. These are incredibly important to the Google algorithm. 

As we mentioned, off-page SEO is about getting Google to trust your website.

So if other websites are linking back to yours, that shows Google that your website can be trusted. 

If other companies don’t trust you, why would Google?

Backlinks are very important to improving your search engine rankings.

So, make sure to do what you can to get as many backlinks from other reputable websites as you can!

For more link building tips, be sure to check out this post next.

2. Writing a Guest Post

A guest post occurs when you write content for another company’s website. 

Typically this will be a shared or relevant topic between your website and the company you are writing for. 

In exchange for writing content for another company, you get an external backlink to your own website or blog. 

Guest blogging is a great way to reach double your audience size!

You not only get to write for another audience, but also get to promote and share that content with your audience as well!

A wider audience means more website visitors, which Google will be tracking.

3. Page Optimization

Page optimization and user experience are very important to Google.

This includes making sure you don’t have broken links, scattered text, slow loading speed, and more.

Even if the content on an unuser-friendly website was actually helpful, the way in which the website is structured will be a huge turn-off for consumers. 

People take 1/10 of a second to make a first impression on your website or blog.

About 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content is unattractive. 

Even though you can’t directly control how much Google trusts your website, you can use off-page SEO methods to help increase your chances. 

Bonus Tips For SEO Management

As we mentioned in the beginning, we have 3 extra bonus tips for you with SEO management.

Tip #1: Create longer content

Good content gets more backlinks, provides value to your readers, and will help boost your rankings.

Simply put, longer content produces higher search engine rankings. No one really links to an article or blog that only has 400 words.

When you create longer content, you can be sure that you are covering all aspects of your topic or keyword.

You can’t really do that with 400 words, or rather, it would be really hard!

You want to take the time to thoroughly explain the topic to your reader, making sure that you are providing relevant, valuable, and useful information.

Try using hooks to grab your reader’s attention. 

You can use case studies, statistics, a tool, research, and much more to do this!

Remember what we did at the beginning of the post? We started with a case study!

This will not only help your reader, but Google, see that your website is of value to its users. 

Tip #2: Use unique images

Unique images are pictures that you take with your phone or your own illustrations and graphics you make. 

You might be wondering, well what’s wrong with using stock images? It’s free and takes less time.

Now we understand, but if you want your website to stand out and look original, unique photos are the way to go.

So many websites are cluttered with the same stock photos. And with new websites popping up on Google every day, it’s important to set yourself apart. 

The more original picture you use, the better the user experience is for your readers.

Plus, chances are, they will be more likely to remember your website. 

Tip #3: Use LSI keywords

LSI stands for latent semantic indexing. These are words that are closely related to your targeted keyword.

Put simply, these are the words that tend to show up next to your targeted keyword, on Google. 

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These keywords are a great way to boost your rankings. 

By using these keywords that are similar to your targeted keyword…

…you will inevitably be covering even more of your overall topic, making it even more useful for your readers.

As we have mentioned before, the more people enjoy your content and find it useful, the more traffic you can get and the higher your website will rank. 

And that is how to manage your SEO with different SEO management services.

And if you want to get the same great results for your business, work with our Atlanta SEO company.

Go ahead and contact us today!

The post Effective Tips for SEO Management to Rank #1 on Google appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.

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