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PPC Management: What is it & How to Use it to Grow Your Business

Are You Using PPC Management For Your Business?

Here at LYFE Marketing, we’ve generated over $13,000 in revenue for this gourmet chocolate company through our PPC management services.

ppc management

Keep reading to find out how you can use PPC management to generate a ton of revenue for your small business.

In this post, we’re going to be talking about what PPC advertising is, what PPC management is…

…and most importantly, how it will help your business succeed. Let’s dive in!

What Is PPC

Before we get into PPC management, let’s talk about what is PPC

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. PPC advertising is a form of online advertising used to drive traffic to your website.

This means that the marketer or business owner only pays when someone clicks on the ad and is taken to the landing page.

These are the three different types of PPC ads:

1. Paid search advertising

These ads appear above the organic search results on search engines such as Google or Bing. Like these ads here, when searching for wedding dresses.

ppc management

If you want to learn more about paid search advertising, check out this post next.

2. Display advertising

These are banner, image, or text ads that are displayed on other websites. Like these banner ads here.

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Display ads usually don’t have as high of a click-through rate as paid search ads, but they can help build awareness for your business.

3. Remarketing advertising

Remarketing is when your ads are shown to people who have already visited your site without making a purchase.

These ads often generate a lot of traffic to your website since the people who see them are often already interested in your business.

As you can see, all of these PPC ad types generate different results and may be used for different reasons.

Deciding which type you should be using for your business depends on your specific business goals.

Advantages Of PPC Advertising

Before we tackle what PPC management is, let’s discuss first the advantages of PPC advertising.

Many business owners are hesitant to start PPC advertising.

That’s because they don’t understand how it works or they’re worried about spending their small business marketing budget.

But just check out these statistics:

  • 50% of consumers who land on an eCommerce website from a PPC advertisement are more likely to purchase products.
  • And Google estimates that PPC advertisements increase brand awareness by 80%

Sounds like PPC advertising is pretty effective, right?

If you still don’t believe us yet though, here are some of these other advantages of PPC advertising:

1. It provides high-quality clicks.

For paid search, your PPC ads only show up in search results when someone searches for something related to your business.

This means that they will always be relevant to those who see them.

When someone clicks on your ad, they are in some way interested in what your business has to offer.

This means there is a big chance that the click may result in a sale.

Since you are only paying per click, you are essentially only paying when there is a high chance of a sale. 

2. It is cost-effective.

We think this is one of the best benefits that you get out of PPC advertising.

As we just mentioned, you are pretty much only paying when someone is highly likely to make a purchase.

So even if it seems like you are spending a lot of money on your PPC campaigns…

…if they are optimized correctly, you should be generating more money in return for your business.

Let’s look at an example. Let’s say you are spending $3 every time your ad is clicked on.

This may seem like it would add up to a lot of money in the long run…

…but if each click converts to an average of $100 in sales, you would actually be generating a lot of money as a result. 

Making an average of $100 for every $3 you spend? Talk about making more bang for your buck. 

3. It offers fast results.

With PPC advertising, you can advertise to thousands of people at once, and you will start to see results right away.

With most other forms of advertising, you won’t be able to see results as fast.

4. You can see your results in real-time.

If you notice that your PPC ads are not driving as much success as you want them to, you can make changes to them right away.

This ensures that you will get the most out of your PPC ads without wasting any money.

5. It allows you to have precise targeting.

With PPC advertising, you are given complete control of when and where your ads will be shown, based on many different targeting methods.

This helps you ensure that your ads will be shown to the right audience.

6. Your PPC ads are the first things seen.

For paid search ads, since they appear above the organic search results in a search engine…

…people will be more likely to click on your ad than an organic search result.

Everyone reading this post has most likely experienced this.

If you are searching for something, and you see what you are looking for in the top results, why would you scroll down any further? 

7. Tracking your ads’ success is easy.

Google Analytics

You can easily measure your ROAS (return on ad spend) for your PPC ads.

Tracking this will ensure that you are making informed decisions about your PPC strategy. 

8. You have more formatting options than SEO.

When formatting your paid search ads, you are given more options for extensions that you can add.

Some of these extensions may be a link to contact your business, a link to important or useful sections of your website, or location information.

Look at this example of a PPC search ad with extensions.

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There is a lot more that can be said about paid search ad extensions, but for the sake of this post, we’re going to stop there.

a. It’s a little more straightforward than SEO.

Paid search advertising doesn’t rely solely on the search engine’s algorithm or your website’s optimization.

The thing you have to focus most on is the amount of money that you are spending and your bid versus how much you are receiving. 

b. It can help you compete with larger businesses.

It may seem impossible to compete with large businesses…

…since they typically have way larger advertising budgets than smaller businesses, but this is actually not the case.

Although it would be really difficult to compete for super popular keywords, if you choose less popular, more specific keywords…

Google Keyword Planner

…you have a good chance of competing with those large companies while simultaneously attracting more qualified traffic.

c. It’s easy to test to find out what produces the best results.

You can easily run A/B tests on your ads. This is when you make small changes to your ad.

And then, run both the original and the changed ad to see which one delivers the best results.

This will help you get the most return out of your PPC ad spend. 

For paid search marketing on Google, 1/3 of users click on a Google search ad because these ads directly answer their queries.

That is a lot of website visitors you could be missing out on if you are not taking advantage of PPC advertising.

So now you know why you should use PPC advertising for your business. Here’s another post to learn more about the benefits of PPC advertising.

But how can you know if you’re going to get the best results possible out of your PPC ads? You can hire a PPC management service!

What Is PPC Management

So what exactly is PPC management? It is the process of overseeing a business’s PPC advertising strategy and their PPC ad spend. 

The main goal of PPC management is to maximize the return on ad spend for your business’s PPC ads.

This can be done by the individual business owners themselves or you can hire PPC management services.

How Will Hiring Someone For Your PPC Management Benefit Your Business

So why should you hire someone for your business’s PPC management?

As a small business, you may have limited time, resources, or both.

Lucky for you, PPC management services can ensure that you are still generating amazing results, regardless. 

If your business falls under one of the following groups, we recommend hiring a PPC management service:

  1. You are new to online advertising.
  2. Your business doesn’t have an in-house advertising team.
  3. You have a small advertising budget.
  4. You do not know if you’ll be capable to oversee all of your business’s PPC advertising.

Does your business fall under one of those categories? If it does, a PPC management service would probably be beneficial!

These are the things that a PPC management service would do for your business:

1. Ensure that all of your PPC campaigns are optimized and reach the right audience, all while staying within your advertising budget.

This will include making sure you are bidding on the right keywords.

If you are not running your PPC ads with the right keywords, it won’t matter how amazing your ads are.

That’s because they won’t be reaching the right people. PPC management services can take this problem off of your hands.

2. Make sure you are advertising on the right channels.

Whether it is Google search ads, Google’s display network, Bing ads, or something else, each channel may deliver different results for your business.

how do Google Ads work

It can sometimes be difficult to figure this out, but a PPC management service would save you time by figuring this out for you.

3. Create the perfect optimized ads for your campaign objectives.

It does not matter what channel you are using, or what keywords you are bidding on…

…your PPC campaigns will never be effective if the actual design of your advertisements is not perfect.

If you are someone who has little experience in actually designing advertisements, PPC management services can take care of it for you.

On the other hand, even if you are amazing at creating perfectly optimized advertisements…

…PPC management services can take the time off of your hands, so you have more time to focus on the more important aspects of your business.

4. Beat your competition.

Every business has other businesses that they are competing with.

Whether that be competing for the same keywords, target audience, or anything else, PPC management services will make sure your business stays in the lead.

5. Monitor your campaigns.

Once your ads have been created and your campaign is up and running, it’s important to keep track of how well it is doing. They need to be optimized.

Many things may need to be done to optimize your ads, such as using different keywords, changing the settings, A/B split testing ads, and more.

These are all things that can be taken care of by a PPC management service to ensure that they are performing as expected.

Now that you’ve made it to the end of the post…

…you know all about what PPC advertising and PPC management are, and what PPC management services can do for your business.

There are so many amazing benefits that can come out of using PPC for your business.

So if you want to work with people to handle your PPC management, contact us today!

The post PPC Management: What is it & How to Use it to Grow Your Business appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.

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