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Graphic Design Services: Using Graphic Design to Grow Your Business

Graphic design, done right will help your business gain high visibility and even increase sales.

If you want to learn how to use effective graphic design in your digital marketing campaign, keep reading.

Today, we’ll be talking about the importance of graphic design services and how it can help grow your business.

On average, we are exposed to between 6-10,000 advertisements every single day. That is a lot of ads!

So, how can you make sure your company’s ad can be seen through all the noise? The answer is great graphic design!

Great visual design can make your brand memorable, establish credibility, communicate what you sell better, and even increase your sales!

It’s no wonder that 73% of businesses use graphic design to stand out in their industries.

If you want to set your business apart from your competition, then it’s time to invest in quality graphic design!

Let’s get started!

What Are Graphic Design Services?

So first, let’s define what graphic design services are. 

Graphic design services are services that are aimed at communicating a brand message through visual design or images.  

These services can differ from agency to agency, but can include anything from:

  • flyers,
  • social media images and ads,
  • signage,
  • website design,

…and everything in between. 

It is important to note that no two graphic design services are the same and are often executed for different purposes. 

For example, social media marketing graphics are for regular posts on social media platforms, with the goal of growing your following.  

content marketing typesThey can be posts like:

  • helpful tips,
  • motivational quotes,
  • infographics,
  • product features,
  • seasons greetings,

…and more.

On the other hand, social media ad graphics are done with the goal of getting those who view it to act in response to the ad.

The ad may be selling a specific product or service, offering free eBooks, getting discounts, and the like.

Whatever graphic design services you utilize…

…you want them to work together effectively for the good of your brand as well as your target audience. 

How Graphic Design Can Influence Consumers In 2022

Now, there are 3 main ways graphic design impacts consumers in 2022. 

1. It can directly influence the way people feel about your brand.

By using certain images, colors, and other graphic design styles, people can understand how they feel about your company. 

There are a lot of emotions you can choose to make your audience feel.

Depending on what your brand personality is, you can make your brand funny, calm, happy, luxurious, and much more.

But, the overall goal is to establish a generally positive feeling from your brand. 

For example, take a look at this graphic our team created for a client.

graphic design services

Without knowing exactly what the product is, you can understand how it makes you feel. Fun, happy, silly, and more.

The bright colors and elements give off a fresh and playful feeling, elevating and properly highlighting the cute cat and the product we’re featuring in this graphic.

Just from the main image and bright colors, we already feel a certain way about this brand. 

2. It can influence customers is by communicating your brand message. 

Good graphic design can communicate your brand message to your audience often better than plain text can.

Doing this with your content can help the audience understand what or who the product or service is intended for…

…and which pain points it is aiming to solve.

Let’s take another look at the same graphic. 

Anyone who sees this understands that it is a cat product.

The design compliments the nature of the product with text saying “eco-friendly material for scratching”…

…which tells us that this is an environment-friendly product for our feline friends to safely play with and scratch on.

Without even researching the company, the audience can already tell the “problem” the product solves.

Or the goal it accomplishes for the consumer, and who the product is made for.

In this case, providing an ethically sourced scratch bed for your cats.

Additionally, the audience can already work out whether or not they are considering looking into this product further.  

This brings us to the third way graphic design can influence consumers…

…and that is by catching their attention and entering them into your marketing funnel with creative ads.

3. Graphic design ads are often the first impression you give your audience.

And in an ever-growing digital world, it is vital that you stand out from other businesses.

As we mentioned earlier, we see thousands of advertisements every day.

Companies both big and small, are pushing out tons of content in every way imaginable.

Think about all the ways in which we consume content on a normal basis. 

Whether it’s watching YouTube, scrolling on social media, browsing through Google shopping, or something else…

…how many of those advertisements really stick out to you?

It’s probably safe to say you don’t remember every advertisement you see in a day, right?

So, how can your business leave an impression and be memorable to your consumers? 

Repeat after us, “people remember good content.” And if they remember the content, they will likely remember your brand.

And practicing good, creative graphic design is a huge part of creating good content. 

So now you are probably wondering, what is “good” graphic design? What makes graphic design memorable?

The key is to create graphic design that communicates your message is problem-solving and is valuable to customers. 

So, let’s put all of these 3 features together. 

Take a look at this ad our graphic design agency created for our client, Pakems

Right away, we can see that this is a shoe company by the way the images are placed, focusing on the shoes.

Looking at the company name on the graphic and the accessories in the picture, we can gather that this company is probably great for outdoor adventures.

The brand is fun, happy, and useful. 

This is a great example of how good graphic design can impact your audience…

…through creative, eye-catching content, communicating its company purpose, and making the audience feel positive. 

Graphic design can help consumers feel things about your brand, understand your product, and focus their attention on your company – all at a first glance.

And all of these factors combined over time eventually influence their purchasing decisions. 

How Can Graphic Design Help Your Small Business Grow?

So, how exactly can graphic design help your small business grow?

Given that those modern consumers are visually-oriented…

…investing in good graphic design services can help your small business establish brand credibility and brand recognition…

…which will eventually turn into sales.

For instance, having a well-thought-out, strategic logo…

visual branding guide

…can make your brand look professional, trustworthy, and whatever other values you want your brand to emit. 

This will help the average consumer be more likely to trust you, because they know your company is legitimate.

So, the next time they see your professional logo, they will know exactly who you are.

Plus, modern consumers respond well to repetition.

So the more they see your branding consistently through strategies like retargeting, the more likely they will be to visit your website and convert. 

Using great graphics, your business can lower your website bounce rates, increase conversions, and establish brand credibility.

These are some really good reasons for small business owners like you, to try graphic design services! 

It’s no wonder that 97% of small business owners consider graphic design to be important to their business’ success.

Your company could sell the best product or service in the world, but if it’s not portrayed well, how can you improve your sales? 

This is especially important for eCommerce store owners. 

The reason for this is because your company is essentially having to replace the in-store experience with visuals, using graphic design. 

Most in-store experiences are packed with blown-up images and visuals on the walls, rows of products around the store, and more.

Online audiences don’t experience this in the same way. 

But through attractive and communicative graphic design, your audiences can still get a sense of your business’ ambiance.

And, they understand everything they need to know about your products. 

Even if you do own a brick-and-mortar location, let’s say for example’s sake, you still want your brand to be reflected in your online presence…

…via graphic design to encourage in-store visitors from online traffic.

So as you can see, graphic design can help grow your business in many different ways, no matter your industry. 

But if you are like most business owners and are not proficient in graphic design…

…then consider hiring a graphic design agency like ours that offers a ton of graphic design services.

Effective Graphic Design Tips

If you have made it all the way through this post, as a bonus, we are going to share some expert tips about graphic design that can help your small business.

Tip #1: Ensure you only publish high-quality graphics.

If your graphic design is done poorly, it can hurt your brand more than if you never used graphic design at all.

For example, let’s take a look at this image intended for social media posting. 

graphic design services

There are way too many unnecessary elements and way too much text.

The background colors blend with and make the text hard to read, making it extremely hard for the eyes to process what exactly they should be looking at…

…and what the purpose of the graphic is.

It is not readable or simple, and because of that, it is not providing any value to the pain points that their potential customers might have. 

It’s amazing how quickly the visuals of a website or an ad can turn someone away before they even know anything else about your company! 

Now, let’s take a look at this flyer our graphic design team created.

graphic design services

Right away the image catches our attention with the animated bottle that shoots up into focus.

It’s clean, engaging, and easy to read. It also says what the product is right under the business’ name.

This makes it that much easier for the audience to understand the ad and form a positive impression of the brand.

Tip #2: Carefully think about what you want your graphic design to accomplish. 

What is the purpose of your design? What kind of things are you trying to communicate to your audience? 

A graphic design meant to entice hungry customers to dine in your restaurant should look different…

…than one meant to drive traffic to your online clothing store to purchase. 

Taking time to set well-defined goals for your creative ad is what makes companies like Starbucks or Apple so popular and well-liked.

Tip #3: The first impression is often the last one.

It takes only 1/10th of a second for people to form a first impression.

These first impressions are snap judgments that people make when they see your ad or website.

So, make sure your graphics are easy to follow, legible, and understandable. 

On most social media platforms for business, and the internet in general, you have little to no time at all to catch someone’s attention.

But, if you invest in good graphic design that properly communicates your message…

…and uses quality images, you can grab your target audience’s attention and turn them into a customer! 

So, if you are ready to grow your business with graphic design, try these graphic design tips now!

Or you can also contact us at 404-596-7925 to learn more about graphic design services.

The post Graphic Design Services: Using Graphic Design to Grow Your Business appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.

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