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The Best Ad Platform No One is Using

What’s The Best Ad Platform Today But Goes Unnoticed?

Facebook Facebook Facebook – do we ever hear about anything else?!

YouTube is flooded with videos about Facebook ads and Instagram ads, and how to overcome the new iOS updates…

…but guys, there’s another ad platform out there that is secretly killing it, and is just flying under the radar unnoticed!

Small business owners need to get in on this!

The ad platform we’re talking about and is the best ad platform that no one is using is… TikTok!

Now before you click out thinking, “Ohhh Gen Z isn’t my audience-” STOP!

Because Gen Z are not the only ones using TikTok. 

First of all, you need to know that there are 1 billion monthly active users on TikTok.

Of that 1 billion:

  • 32.5% are between the ages of 10-19,
  • 29.5% are 20-29 years old,
  • 16.4% are 30-39, 13.9% are 40-49, and
  • 7.1% are 50 and above.

So Gen Z doesn’t even make up half of the TikTok user base.

So let’s say your target audience is usually in their 30s and 40s. That population makes up about 30% of the platform, and 30% of 1 billion is 3 million people.

And to take this a step further, that 1 billion number is actually rounded down.

TikTok had 1.2 billion monthly active users in Q4 2021 and is expected to reach 1.5 billion by the end of 2022.

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So the point is, TikTok is growing, and not just in Gen Z users. 

Now if your audience is Gen Z, we don’t know what you’re waiting for, you need to be advertising on TikTok as of like, yesterday. 

But if your audience isn’t Gen Z, just know that’s not a reason to sleep on this advertising platform.

And we’re not the only one who thinks this, look:

“If your brand’s target audience includes anyone between the ages 13 and 60, you should be on TikTok right now.”

“The TikTok user base is aging up (so get on it now!)”

So take it from us, marketing experts, you as a small business owner want to get in on this ad platform before everyone else.

If you’re reading our blog posts for a while, we’re sure you’ve seen us talk about how the younger the ad platform…

…the more promising it can be in terms of results and especially cost. 

And that’s holding true for TikTok!

An Ad Campaign We Ran Recently On This Ad Platform

We took our best performing TikTok which happened to be this one that we filmed a while back.

But essentially it was the “how bizarre” trend, if you guys remember that or saw that. 

Basically, the song How Bizarre by OMC is playing…

…and the trend is you reenact a common scenario that happens at your workplace where your response would be “how bizarre.”

So in our case, we reenacted a client being surprised that lookalike audiences worked so well.

When in actuality, we had already told them to use lookalike audiences many times already.

So we were saying “how bizarre” sarcastically as a funny TikTok that also doubles as valuable information to people who didn’t know to use lookalike audiences.

And before we move on, if all that went a little over your head with using a TikTok trend or putting a song to a skit, don’t worry.

We made an entire Instagram Reels for beginners post…

…where we included ideas on how businesses can jump on different Reel trends that are interchangeable with TikTok.

So if you’re not sure where to start with TikTok content creation, be sure to check that out. 

Now that was our best performing TikTok to date.

So we took that one and put advertising dollars behind it, spending about $20 a day to promote it to our target audience on the TikTok platform.

Our goal was to get more TikTok followers, and we got 821 new followers at just $0.20 per follow.

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Just 20 cents per follower y’all! For a small business not for a personality or influencer. we haven’t seen numbers like that on Facebook in a while.

And just to show that this wasn’t a one-time fluke, we did the same thing for this accounting business. 

We boosted their best performing TikTok, and got over 1,000 followers at $0.17 per follow!

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And these are just two examples!

You can run campaigns on TikTok’s ad platform for other objectives, not just views and followers like conversions, lead generation, and more.

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And if you don’t want to waste your advertising dollars, be sure to avoid these TikTok ad mistakes!

3 Things You Can Do Today To Get Started With TikTok Ad Platform

1. Read our TikTok ads for beginners post

Yes, shameless plug of our own blog but seriously, if you’ve never used the TikTok advertising platform before, read that post next.

2. Try using the TikTok app

If you’ve never used the TikTok app at all, like not in your own personal freetime or anything, download the app today and just start scrolling through. 

The best TikToks are born from you being familiar with the app and the type of content being published on the app in general.

As well as with the type of content your target audience specifically likes to see on that platform.

And again we do share some really helpful examples in this post to get you started.

But we would still encourage you to spend some time just scrolling through TikTok to get a firsthand understanding of how it all works.

3. Analyze which of your TikToks have performed the best organically.

And then, either use that TikTok as the creative for your ad if it makes sense given your ad objective.

Or, determine what elements about that TikTok made it successful and incorporate those elements into your ad creative. 

Is it the way it was filmed? Is it the topic? Was it a trend or popular audio that made it so successful? 

Figure that out as best as you can and include those elements in your ad. If you want to know how to design TikTok ads, then here’s the tutorial for that.

So now you know the best-kept secret about TikTok advertising! What questions do you have?

If you need help with your social media advertising, TikTok ads included, then check out our social media advertising services today!

The post The Best Ad Platform No One is Using appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.

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